Tuesday, February 5, 2008

College Graduation At Age 81

So it took me 6 years and change in my major to graduate with my Bachelor's degree. I felt a little older but not too bad. Seeing all of my friends that I graduated high school with finish collge 2 years before me and now having the last of them just finish their Master's I felt a little behind in the game in comparison but all is well and I will get there in my sweet time. Attached is an article of a recent CMU graduate that just earned his Bachelor's degree. I bet at times he felt out of place but it his situation and status needs to be admired. His name is Patrick Hackett and he graudated at the young age of 81! Wow, not to many 80 year olds are thinking about pursuing a degree but isn't is fascinating. It reasures us that you can accomplish anything you can put your mind to! Occasionally I speak with students that are in their 60's and 70's and are lookign at taking collge credit to keep their minds sharp. It makes me smile to see that no matter how old you might be you are still entitled to receive an education and it's a great thing.



KB said...

What an inspiring story! I guess you never are too old to complete your education. Imagine the determination this man had. He could do whatever he wanted to do at 81, and he chose to get a bachelor's degree. That's cool.

Anonymous said...

I remember taking a biology class at Delta College about 8 years ago. One of the students in class was a lady that was getting ready to retire. Her husband was also getting ready to retire. They were both in their mid-60s. She was interested in learning about science, and how she could apply it to her "retired-lifestyle". Her and her husband planned on traveling, and she was really excited about finding out about animals, plants, and anything else that she could get her hands on. She was always happy, and she made class very fun.

These people are definitely an inspiration to all of us. It makes us appreciate learning that much more.