Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Reflections on Blogging

The blogging assignment has probably been my most favorite assignment in this class. I remember the first night of class long long ago well just about four weeks ago actually when Dr. Merrill asked the class how many of us blog. I don't remember seeing many if any hands go up. Now I think through our accounts on Blogger.com we are all official bloggers that have a pretty good understanding of what and how to blog. What I have learned from this experience is that it is a great way to post anything whether it be on education, weather, family, whatever and have everyone or no one read it. It is a great way to have your concerns addressed and a cheap way to seek great advise from others that have experienced what you have posted. Not only is blogging a great way to get advise and feedback it is also a great way to give feedback to others and maybe find others that have posted similar issues as yours. Viewing comments that other's have left on mine and others blogs I have also noticed that blogging can be a great way to start conversations and either ban people together that agree on a common issue or start a conversation where two or more opposing views are represented.


Jennifer said...

I agree with you Clarissa. I think that this is my favorite assignment as well. I love communicating with people-friends, family, and classmates about issues that I may have at home, in my classroom, or with our cohort classes. It is a good way to get to know our classmates a little bit better as well and you can't beat that it is free! I constantly communicate on my My space page so I know how to do the very easy tasks--such as this. I do like the concept of social bookmarking as well. Being able to save your websites and have it all in one actual site (that is only yours!) and have the ability to access it anywhere is a wonderful concept! Well, better get to my Web page and figure out how to do this stuff! Thanks again for all of your help! Oh yea--need to write my reflections as well! See you on Friday!

KB said...

I agree, blogging was my favorite assignment. I enjoyed reading people's blogs just as much as writing my own. It is a really cool way of expressing yourself. I tend to be a shy person, but I was able to voice my thoughts in a way I might not have otherwise. I avoid discussing my opinion of things as much as possible. I don't feel comfortable, especially on confrontation issues. However, with blogging I don't feel as self-conscience about it. I can be honest. I can see that this would be a great way to stay connected professionally.